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タイトル standing Desk
投稿日: 2024/01/21(Sun) 16:43
投稿者can lee@New York【】   <>

Over the past decade, health risks such as heart disease, back pain, and obesity have been associated with office work. It has been proven that prolonged idleness is an important factor leading to serious health problems - reducing the risk of health problems by investing in standing desks.
Why do we need a best standing desk?
Standing desks have been around for some time, but their popularity only began to rise in recent years. Especially at the beginning of the outbreak of COVID-19, this growth was particularly evident as millions of people were forced to work remotely from home. Realizing the risk of spending hours at a desk is the first step in the right direction to reduce the risk of serious health problems.
Naturally, people are beginning to search for solutions to improve their home-based lifestyle, which has led to the increasing popularity of standing desks. A standing desk is an adjustable desk that allows you to stand comfortably while using a computer, laptop, or tablet. Here are some proven benefits of using a desk compared to a regular office desk.
stand up desk reduce back strain and pain
Back and neck pain is one of the most common problems for office workers who sit all day. Multiple studies have been conducted on employees with long-term back pain to determine whether standing desks can solve this problem. Several research reports indicate that after employees switched to using standing desks for several weeks, lower back pain decreased by 32%. In another study published by the CDC, upper back and neck pain was reduced by 54%.
In summary, a standing desk has been proven to alleviate back pain caused by prolonged sitting.
height adjustable desk reduce the risk of weight gain

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